At Stern EWS, we value our people as our primary asset. Each worker is part of a team that, through a series of carefully coordinated processes, transforms raw materials into finished substrates. Such coordination requires professional discipline, personal integrity, and a dedication to Quality.
Quality is our core cultural value. We allow no off-quality material to be designed or produced. We are certified to an international quality standard, ISO 9001-2015. Our commitment to ISO is embedded in our core philosophy that every design feature, every production process, and every interpersonal relationship affects Quality. We cut no corners on Quality.
We understand that people make mistakes, and that people can learn from their mistakes. So we view every problem as an opportunity for improvement, after which we act and move forward.
Complementing our Quality Program is a comprehensive Safety Program, which addresses every aspect of our operations.
We want our employees to enjoy long-term employment, excellent benefits, fair and equal treatment, and an enjoyable work experience every day.