Worker Discomfort
Synthetic fabrics are notorious for being hot and sweaty, especially if woven very tightly for maximum micro contamination control. The solution is for the weaver to employ very fine yarns – thinner than silk – to create a very dense, yet very sheer material. Fabrics can be woven so tightly that particles cannot easily penetrate, but moisture vapor can.

Environment Degradation
Cleanroom garments are exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions. Cleanroom fabrics can be designed to resist spilled chemicals, such as industrial-grade nitric and sulfuric acids. They may also be designed and chosen to resist high heat sources, the infrequent flash fire, and arc flashes.
In designing cleanroom fabrics, the types of conductive and base yarns, the weave construction, and the finishing methods all must be balanced carefully to address various chemical and electrical cleanroom conditions. If any surface chemical finishes are applied to improve filtration efficiency, splash resistance, or anti-microbial performance, they must be durable and non-particulating.

Limited Product Warranty
STERN EWS Industries warrants the manufacture of its Electrostatic icon materials against premature wear during normal use and laundering. If during the first year of use, any Electrostatic icon portion of a properly designed, properly constructed, and properly laundered cleanroom garment with date code of manufacturer attached thereto exhibits abnormal wear under routine cleanroom conditions. STERN EWS Industries will replace the affected ChemStat material free of charge, but is not liable for the cost of processing, lost profits, injury to good will, or any other special or consequential damages.
No representation or warranty (either express or implied) of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made with respect to the information presented in this website or to any product referred to herein. The determination of the suitability for use, chemical compatibility, and durability of a ChemStat material in a particular cleanroom environment is the responsibility of the end-user operating the cleanroom and the end-user's chosen laundry service provider. Such determination must be established and documented prior to material selection by both the end-user and its laundry service provider, otherwise, this limited product warranty is voided.